Custom Journals

Custom Journals

Are you ready to take your daily journaling experience to the next level? Journey allows you to create a customizable list of prompts for your own daily journal. With just a few simple steps, you can tailor your journal to your specific needs and preferences.

Quick Start

Check out also our blog articles on custom journal templates: Combine ideas, inspirations, and creativity to design your unique journal: part 1 and part 2

Here's how to get started:

  1. Tap the "+" icon on the main screen.
  2. Tap "Create your Own" to start creating a new custom journal.
  3. Choose an icon and title for your journal to make it unique and personal to you.
  4. In the prompt box below, choose an icon and title for your first prompt. You can also select the type of answer that you want, such as text, list of tasks, photos, multiple choices, or a rating from 0 to 5 stars.
  5. Tap the "+" button below the box to add additional prompts as desired.
  6. Once you're done creating your prompts, tap "Continue."
  7. In the final screen, select your preferences for your journal, such as the color, recurrence, and time to receive notifications.
  8. Finally, tap "Save" to create your new custom journal.

How to answer?

Now, when you open your custom journal from the main screen, you'll be able to see a preview of your prompts. If you want to answer your prompts, simply tap on the edit icon at the bottom right of the screen.


Review your journal

After you've saved your answers, you can easily review them from the main screen or check your journal history by tapping the history button at the bottom of the screen.


With this new function, you can enjoy a more personalized and engaging journaling experience. So go ahead and create your custom journal today - we can't wait to see what you come up with!

Some Examples

Gratitude Journal

  • What am I grateful for today?
  • Who made me smile today and why?
  • What positive experiences did I have today?
  • What made me feel happy and content today?
  • What progress have I made towards my goals today?

Travel Journal

  • What new places did I explore today?
  • What was the most interesting thing I learned about the local culture?
  • Who did I meet today and what did I learn from them?
  • What was the most exciting adventure I had today?
  • What was the highlight of my day?

Reflection Journal

  • What did I learn about myself today?
  • What did I do well today and how can I build on it?
  • What challenges did I face today and how did I overcome them?
  • What mistakes did I make today and what can I learn from them?
  • What could I have done differently today to improve my day?

Fitness Journal

  • What workouts did I complete today?
  • How did I feel physically during my workouts today?
  • What healthy foods did I eat today?
  • What was my biggest achievement in terms of fitness today?
  • What obstacles did I face today and how did I overcome them?

Dream Journal

  • What dreams did I have last night?
  • How did I feel during my dreams?
  • What do my dreams reveal about my thoughts and emotions?
  • Did any of my dreams have a recurring theme?
  • What could my dreams be telling me about my life or current situation?

Possible names for your journals

  1. Daily Reflections
  2. Mindful Moments
  3. Gratitude Journal
  4. Journey to Self-Discovery
  5. My Personal Growth
  6. Creative Writing Journal
  7. Daily Musings
  8. Wellness Journal
  9. Morning Pages
  10. Dream Journal
  11. Memory Keeper
  12. Recipe Journal
  13. Book Notes
  14. Travel Diary
  15. Fitness Tracker
  16. Parenting Journal
  17. Art Journal
  18. Career Development
  19. Bucket List Journal
  20. Project Planner