Create your first activity

Create your first activity

  1. Tap plus button on the bottom right of the screen
  2. Then you can either choose among our suggested ideas or you can create a new one, by tapping on the new tab.
  3. You can enter the edit menu by tapping either on new tab or on one of the activities we suggest you under the ideas tab.

Once there, you have several aspects at your disposal to set up the activity:


Here’s the date you want the activity to be in, or it can be the starting date in case you decide to set up a recurring activity


Do you want the activity to happen just once or to repeat? Use the options to choose the repetition you prefer


Simple as the title says. Choose a time for the activity. Leave it anytime if you don’t have a specific date or use the other tabs to choose a time. Tap Morning, Afternoon or Evening to show the time slots and the circle selector. Drag the blue circle if you want a faster way to set the duration.
